Thursday, January 13, 2011


We had gone past the school a couple of times this week and saw something new was happening. The snow made it difficult to get in through or back entrance, so on the way home from school Will and I poked in through the front entrance to see what was going on.

It looks like the front entrance now has some metal framing and some plywood covering on it, definitely a new sight for us. Today Will was a little concerned that the school would not be finished in time for Rory. I assured him that everything was going on track for the completion. "But she is going to be three soon and she goes to school when she's three." I explained that she doesn't actually turn three for six more months and even then they still have the whole summer before any kids will be going to the school. I think he believed me...

1 comment:

  1. I'll back you up, Lauren. Say hi and thank you for the updates.
